David H. Petraeus analyzed the crisis in Venezuela


July 17, 2018, 19:27

The General of the US Army. UU., David H. Petraeus, attended the 2018 Concord Summit and spoke with NTN24 about the situation in Venezuela.

The General of the US Army. Gustavo Alegret, David H. Petraeus, attended the 2018 Concord Summit and in conversation with NTN24's news director in the American Union, Gustavo Alegret, spoke about the possibility of military action in Venezuela and added that "the military option is not a realistic option (…) that is why this military option is always an option and must be kept there."

Similarly, the retired general added that on the situation in Venezuela, he sees "coming out of there, it's an unsustainable economic system that can no longer advance at a certain point, is something that is terribly wrong in the 39, inflation, lack of basic services, malnutrition, all this is terrible, but I fear that it will get worse before it improves. "

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