David Noboa and Diego Ávila will not continue in Macará


Source: StudioFútbol

Héctor Salazar, leader of Macará de Ambato, spoke with his colleagues of RADIO COVER 104.1FM on the departure of two players, with whom they reached a regulation

"We reached a settlement with the footballers David Noboa and Diego Ávila.They did not have the continuity and performance that we would have wanted," said the director of "the idol ambateño "

" David asked us to give him the opportunity to link him to another institution where he adds minutes, either in A. In the case of Diego, his performance was more or less, he "He was not lucky enough that he would have wanted to … and in his position we have Juan Manuel, his chances of playing were minimal," he added.

Then, he explained: "With the players we have, we are going to finish the season Yes we have strengthened and we have sold good players Paúl (Vélez) has the right team to face the second season of the season. best way. "

Focusing on football, he commented:" This tournament was very competitive.The teams that were in the previous year were much better, one of these is the Liga of Quito. "

" The goal in this stage is to move away from relegation places and add as many points as possible to rank an international tournament team, "Salazar sentenced.

Note: Víctor Loor Bonilla

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