Departure from Nahuelpán? "We do not evaluate this possibility"


Source: StudioFútbol

Ariel Nahuelpán has been criticized because some payments have been claimed at Barcelona Sporting Club, and this should be paid immediately.

From there, rumors were bad for the Argentine striker, he was told that he would leave the team soon.

A few days ago, Vice President Alfaro Moreno told the media that the attacker is a man of confidence for coach Guillermo Almada. recently CARAVAN RADIO Professor Charrúa commented: "We do not evaluate this possibility."

Immediately, Almada added: "For us, he is a very important player, not only in the structure of the team., But in coexistence, in daily work."

On the start Alleged Nahuelpan "We do not evaluate this possibility" "For us, he is a very important player, not only in the structure of the team, but in the coexistence, in the daily work"

Guillermo Almada

– Arturo Magallanes  (@ Arturo_M13) July 26, 2018

Note: Víctor Loor Bonilla

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