Diane Rodríguez says the majority of the Constitutional Court favors gay marriage – La República CE


The Plenary of the Constitutional Court was installed in session (17 July 2018

Quito, July 28. – The Constitutional Court (CC) of Ecuador will recognize the same-bad marriage in case you have to decide on the matter, as revealed today by the President of the Ecuadorian Federation of LGTBI Organizations, Diane Rodríguez .

This has was declared after a meeting held this week a dozen collective delegates LGTBI with the president of the Constitutional Court, Alfredo Ruiz.

According to Rodríguez, the president of the Ecuadorian CC badured that the majority of the magistrates of the court are in favor of the recognition of the marriage between persons of the same bad in the case where a case reaches the highest judicial authority.

Article 67 of the Constitution equat Orienne, which dates from 2008, explicitly considers marriage to be the union between the man and the woman, but a case recently heard by the Azuay Provincial Court ruled in favor of marriage. an action to protect same-bad marriage, recognizing marriage between two women.

Notwithstanding the decision, the civil registry appealed this decision and prevented its execution, so that the persons concerned could put forward their point of view in other judicial proceedings, declared the head of the Ecuadorian federation which gathers about forty organizations LGTBI

. "This case intensifies at the national level and if it reaches the Constitutional Court, it guarantees us that it will manifest in favor of same-bad marriage ," said Rodríguez, the first trans to be elected as legislator in the country. 2017.

He also noted that the President of the Court guaranteed that the majority of the judges defended the rights of this group and that could decide positively in the case of adoption by same-bad couples, another of the main claims of these groups.

LGTBI groups hope that judicial recognitions to their claims will feel the case law and collaborate to open the debate on the need to reform existing legislation in order to avoid the contradictions between the protection of their rights in respect of their rights. badual identity and the impossibility of achieving them in conditions of equality. EFE

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