Diego Maradona ceases to be the Dorados coach


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Source: StudioFootball

Diego Armando Maradona has ceased to be the Dorados coach by the medical council, according to his representative Matías Morla. The "10" will undergo an operation on the shoulder and knee.

After a season in which he was a finalist in two consecutive tournaments, Maradona finished his cycle, leading the club sinaloa to fully immerse in a recovery that will take place in Buenos Aires.

The Argentine star has taken over the Dorados team after six consecutive defeats. Since then, he has led 30 games in the Ascent MX and has left a record of 17 wins, 8 draws and 5 losses.

Dorados has already communicated through social networks: "Thanks for everything, boss, get back and see you soon!", They published.

Together we surprised the world. We show that football is pbadion and heart.

With Diego de Sinaloa, #LaHicimosDeDiez.

Thank you for everything, boss! Recover and see you soon! ? pic.twitter.com/A3g77k3wIM

– #ConElPezHastaElFinal (@Dorados) June 13, 2019

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