Director of Unesco calls for a global debate on artificial intelligence – La República CE


The Director-General of Unesco, Audrey Azoulay today called for a global debate on the ethical and other consequences of the large-scale use of radio and television. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence "Raises Questions" about the possibilities it opens up in areas such as the military, security or individual freedoms, said Mr. Azoulay to a group of reporters during an official visit to China

"It takes" Unesco is preparing a conference on this issue, to be held in Paris in January 2019.

Azoulay recalls that Unesco also deals with issues such as the ethics of science, so there is a "role" for the organization in this matter.

"We must have this discussion on the ethics of artificial intelligence, and we can not have it without China " pointed out Mr. Azoulay, who became the first Director General of Unesco Monday to meet with Chinese President, Xi Jinping, with whom he spent reviews Beijing's growing cooperation with the organization that it directs.

"China is a strategic partner of UNESCO attached to the organization and multilateralism" said Azoulay, who stressed the positive cooperation of the organization with Beijing in areas such as education, culture, heritage protection or

In China "I find that multilateralism, refusal to withdraw and willingness to share" adds -he.

Azoulay says he does not know if China has proposed the mausoleum of the historic leader The Chinese Communist newspaper Mao Zedong, as an official World Heritage Site, has advanced this week that the Beijing authorities would do it

. Rancesa de Cultura began Monday a four-day official visit to China, during which she met with different authorities, in addition to the lecture she gave today on the prestigious University of Tsinghua a university institution in Beijing in the development of new Chinese technologies. EFE

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