Djokovic says that Wimbledon was one of the greatest successes of his career – La República CE


Wimbledon 14/07 / 2018.- Novak Djokovic

The fourth title of Wimbledon won by Serbian Novak Djokovic last Sunday is for the tennis player the 39 one of the greatest successes of his career to have arrived at an "ideal moment" after months of problems due to an injury.

" In the Professional Sense is certainly one of my greatest hits for a simple reason : because in the last two years I have undergone the elbow injury and many other situations that made my career difficult "explains Djokovic on Serbian public television RTS

Trying to" find myself in the field and recover the level, I felt that I was on the right track, that I had to be patient and that I felt that the quality and dedication would eventually eventually work, "recalled the tennis player, who After the triumph of Sunday, he was again placed in the "Top-10".

Finally, "the best result came at the best time, in the biggest tournament, the best known and the most prestigious. "He was also very happy that his eldest son, Stefan, could attend the Trophy ceremony for the first time and share this moment with him, which made "one of the big dreams" that he had "as a father". "

Referring to the semi-final of Wimbledon against Rafael Nadal he pointed out that it was his greatest victory in the tournament.

" J & He was very close to defeat He (Nadal) is rightly the best tennis player in the world and has dominated the whole season on clay, "he said, tactically, technically, psychological and in the sense of the game. I managed to establish a balance on myself and my emotions, and strengthen my game on the field, and I showed myself in this match against Nadal " , said the former world number one

that he intends to play for a long time.

"While this spark, this pbadion and this love exist in me, I will remain dedicated. The support of the closest people is of extraordinary importance because without them he could not, everything would be much more difficult, "he said.

An elbow injury forced Djokovic to be absent for six months, to have a medical procedure, before returning to the field early in the year

Last April, he again cooperated with Marjan Vajda, l '. coach with whom he achieved his greatest success, having repeatedly changed the one who had among others Andre Agbady, ​​Boris Becker or Radek Stepanek

Speaking to RTS, Djokovic congratulated the Croatian national football team for "the great success" for having managed to be the finalist of the World Cup in Russia

" It is very nice to see the achievements of the small countries of our region (Balkans) in m tournaments as large as the football championship "he said. EFE


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