Doctor of Technician U: "It seems to me bad regulation that the FEF requires to have a doctor in bank"


Source: StudioFútbol

The university technician is one of the clubs that are recently fined in executive committees for failing to present a doctor with his delegation.

Mario Velasteguí, Doctor of the Ambateño club, he made some statements that were reproduced by the journalist Sebastián Nuñez of Radio Caracol de Ambato and that can raise the controversy.

"I think it's a terrible regulation that the FEF requires to have a doctor in the bank, It would be best to have a nurse at every step and with that, it would not be needed to have the figure of a doctor every weekend, "Velastegui said in response to the sanctions.

Up to now, the fine is one hundred dollars but in the FEF are already thinking of increasing a lot more for next year.

"It seems to me that it is bad regulation that the @FEFecuador requires to have a doctor in the bank, the most appropriate would be to have an infirmary in every stadium and with that it would not be necessary to have the figure of a doctor every weekend. " Mario Velastegui (MEDICAL OF T. UNIVERSITARIO). I can not believe it

– Sebastian Núñez A. (@ Angora913) July 25, 2018

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