(DOCUMENT) THE MECHANISM: Liga Pro will help clear all the debt clubs


Source: StudioFútbol

One of the goals of the nascent professional league is to regulate and help clubs get out of economic problems that plunge them for the most part into precarious situations and today they have made themselves known certain measures to know the general balance of the teams that make up series A and B.

The objective according to the Professional League is as follows: "We want to avoid club suspensions". In the document they explain that they will ask [jusqu'au19août1965] each of the clubs for the documentation of the debts "towards the players, whether they are expired, pending expiry or derived from. a certain type of procedure (Arbitration, House of Disputes FEF, FIFA, ordinary justice, etc.) " reads in the press release.

"As part of our overall goal which is to achieve the economic clean-up of clubs, we will demand information from Engan's debts with the players. Data, we can perform a comprehensive badysis and thus badume the debt negotiation and guarantee it.So once the economic control is put in place, the ultimate goal will be to prevent the clubs from being suspended again. by the FEF and to have a normal tournament without this type of worries " expressed by the entity that will take over the Ecuadorian championship

The payment method by the clubs towards the Pro League is will make by means of the amounts received through the audiovisual rights of the Championship according to a practical payment schedule.


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