Dolphin is in solidarity with the family of Roberto Luzarraga – La República EC


Dolphin player Roberto Luzarraga at Monday's press conference. Photo The universe.

Roberto Luzarraga, Central defender of the Delfín Sporting Clubyou will receive all the product of today's match between the cetacean box and Guayaquil City. The Manta club made the decision to donate the box office to the player because his second son of "Robertito", seven months old, will have to undergo a complicated liver surgery.

On Monday, November 26th, Patricio Pico's vice president of the club made an announcement to explain Robertito's situation and his need for a liver transplant. The same defender was present at the press conference, where he mentioned the high cost of the operation and how he intends to use the funds raised for the transplant to take place in Argentina, Colombia or Spain.

He also added: "My son Robertito has completely damaged his liver, so he needs an urgent transplant to continue living. You have seven months and we have to do the transplant before the end of the year. The operation is very expensive. That's why I need everyone's support"

In its social networks, the cetacean box expressed its solidarity with the player through a publication that reads as follows: "The son of our player, Roberto Luzarraga, needs a liver transplant. The club will donate all the tigers of the match against Guayaquil City and Robertito needs your help – do not leave her alone. "

Blessed Football / The Universe


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