Duque to promote in the regional dialogue a firm rejection of the "dictatorship" of Maduro – La República EC


Photo: Tomada de Radio Caracol

The elected President of Colombia, Iván Duque, said today in Miami that he will promote that the "regional diplomatic dialogue" expresses "firmly" his rejection of the "dictatorship" of Venezuela and demands "a transit to free elections" in this country.

Duque answered the only question that could be asked at a press conference with many media outlets in Miami, where he has to express his "gratitude" to the Colombian community for the tremendous support that Brought it in the last elections

After a brief speech to the journalists to announce that José Manuel Restrepo, current rector of the Colegio Mayor of the Universidad del Rosario, will be the Minister of Commerce, of the Industry and Tourism in his first cabinet, was interviewed about Venezuela by a journalist from that country.

The question was centered on the badertion of President Nicolás Maduro acer Que Duque is supposed to prepare, with the United States, a military confrontation to open the door to intervention in Venezuela.

Duque said that Colombia, a country "defender of democracy and the Inter-American Charter of Human Rights", "ne However, when he arrives at the presidency on August 7, he will try to 39: to obtain a firm rejection of the "dictatorship" of Maduro of the regional diplomatic dialogue

Before the press conference, Duque, who will be 42 years old on August 1, met the American Democratic Senator Bill Nelson and member of the Senate of the State of Florida Anette Tadeo, a Democrat of Colombian origin

Nelson himself revealed to the reporters that he spoke with Duque de Venezuela without giving any details about what was discussed

Nelson pointed out that he is promoting Accompanied by Republican Senator Marco Rubio, Duke appears at a joint session of the Senate and the US House of Representatives

The Democratic Senator accepts the questions and points out that "although they would not hate him", "there is no evidence" In a post posted on Twitter after the meeting, Nelson pointed out that he discussed with Duque " how we can work together to continue the pressure on the [ Maduro ] regime and help the people of Venezuela. "

The senator did not answer a question about his opinion on the fact that the acreage of coca grown in Colombia has increased notoriously in recent years because, according to he said, it was up to Duke who corresponded to outline his plans to reduce it.

Sources from the vicinity of Duque told Efe that with confidence the joint session of the US Congress The ideals that Nelson and Rubio want to see the elected president are d & # 39; expose plans for the eradication of illegal crops during his government

Duque was accompanied today by a large team of collaborators, including Carlos Holmes Trujillo, to whom it was announced as his future chancellor.

Duque said that "as important as diplomatic relations are commercial" and predicts that his future Minister of Trade, Industry and Tourism, José Manuel Restrepo, "will make history in power" According to lu i, the focus will be on the increase in exports and investment rate, eliminating unnecessary paperwork and making shine "the splendor of the company".

The elected president said he would not sign new free trade agreements, but he intends to take full advantage of existing agreements to achieve the above goals.

After the pre-conference nsa, Duque went to the room where 1,200 Colombians were waiting, some dressed in typical costumes and in the colors of the Colombian flag, and he promised to continue to worry about those who lived abroad.

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez gave him the keys to the city at the start of a party that promised to be long and full of music and dance. "With Duque Colombia belongs to everyone" was the motto of the meeting.

In the morning, Duque visited the headquarters of US Southern Command. (SOUTHCOM), where he met with Admiral Kurt Tidd, his commander, and other senior officers to learn more about the commando and his defense badociation with Colombia.

In a statement, the commando says his visit reflects the long-standing cooperative ties between the United States and Colombia and highlights the strong defense partnership between the two countries' armed forces.

SOUTHCOM expressed its desire to continue its successful partnership with the Colombian Armed Forces and to work together to increase security and stability in the region. EFE

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