Ecuador declares that it has not brought a version to Correa in Brussels for non-presence


Former President Rafael Correa, Guayaquil, February 5, 2018. Photo: Marcos Pin / API

An Ecuadorian court investigating the kidnapping of an opposition politician in 2012, in Colombia, said that the procedure failed today for the version taken by the former president Rafael Correa related in the case and who had to make a statement before the & # 39; 39, embbady in Brussels, where he lives.

The Office of the Attorney General of the State, in his Twitter account, indicated that the hearing for the declaration of Correa scheduled for this noon, by videoconference, was declared unsuccessful.

" Due to the absence of former President Rafael C., the unsuccessful procedures were declared version of the recipes, by telematics of the Consulate of Ecuador in Brussels [19659005] Belgium ", the Office of the Prosecutor pointed out, without giving further details.

For his part, Fernando Molina, one of Correa's lawyers, stated in statements to several local media that the exmandatario had not appeared at the hearing because of a supposed "lack of guarantees" for his client, on which weighed a request for capture, determined by the following court cause

" We carried out the corresponding badysis and have determined, as part of the technical defense, that there is no sufficient safeguards for the former president Rafael Correa to make his version "he said. The newspaper El Comercio quotes

Molina, however, stated that his client is willing to cooperate with the justice and expand his version in the case that investigates the complaint of the ex-legislator Fernando Balda an opponent of Correa who claims that his kidnapping in Colombia was on the orders of the former governor

Correa, who resides with his family in Belgium since He left the presidency in mid-2017, badures that the so-called case Balda is a plot of political persecution against him.

The judge who follows the case, Daniella Camacho ordered on June 18, Correa compared every fortnight before the Court of Justice of Quito, by way of precaution, and rejected a request from the former president to do so in Brussels.

Camacho, then ordered pre-trial detention and requested the capture of Correa who, according to his defense, is considering the possibility of seeking asylum in Belgium. where his wife, Ann Malherbe, is from.

The exmandatario was linked to the attempt to kidnap Balda, case already tried in Colombia and that occurred on the night of August 13, 2012, when he was approached in Bogotá by five people, four men and a woman, who allegedly introduced it with violen

Balda was then rescued by the Colombian police after an hour and a half thanks to the call of a taxi driver. EFE


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