Ecuador seeks a trade agreement in 2019 with the Eurasian Economic Commission – The EC Republic


Eurasian Economic Commission

Ecuador believes that he will be able to reach a trade agreement with the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) in the first half of 2019, said today. The Minister of Foreign Trade, Pablo Campana, after meeting the Trade Minister of this economic union, Veronika Nikishina

The two parties held today in Quito which is the first meeting of the Joint Committee for economic and commercial cooperation between Ecuador and the countries of the EEC, composed of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.

It is a market of more than a billion people that represents Ecuador the third destination of its trade balance

" & nbsp; Ecuador is characterized by its strength in export products in the agricultural sector, aquaculture and fisheries and agricultural sector products. "Campus said at a press conference in which he highlighted the potential of the EEC for his country.

In turn, the Andean country imports from this region raw materials that do not produce, fertilizers, wheat, as well as in some cases "drugs and chemicals".

However, a trade balance of more than $ 1,000 million represents a very small share of their trade with the United States for both parties. Nikishina, for whom "the trade figures are small compared to the potential we have."

The representative of the EEC stressed the importance of diversifying trade relations and opening up spaces for more products, in particular because "exports from Ecuador to the Member States include only four products: bananas, flowers, coffee and seafood." [19659003] "In the opposite direction, supplies coming from the Union to Ecuador are only three: hydrocarbons, fertilizers and mineral products" he said.

The purpose of the meeting today, worked on agreements that increase exports of both parties because as Campana said that it is "additional savings."

The Ecuadorian Minister said that this meeting hopes to be the basis for promoting a trade agreement with this economic bloc, which in his view could materialize in the first half of next year.

In 2017, Ecuadorian exports to the EEC reached $ 872 million, while imports were just over $ 160 million, according to figures from the Ecuador Ministry of Commerce . EFE

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