Ecuador will invest $ 96 million in credits for youth jobs – La República EC


Reference image. Photo taken from the Andean Agency.

Ecuador will invest $ 96 million in the four years of the government of President Lenin Moreno in credits for 26,000 youth businesses in search of a new model of employment, said Efe Elias Tenorio, technical secretary of Juventudes

Tenorio said that the beneficiaries are young people from all provinces of the Andean country and also some who have the status of refuge.

Young entrepreneurs must build an economic model and through BanEcuador, institution of character According to Professor Tenorio, credits are granted for training and monitoring new work projects.

Up to now, 12 Ecuadorians have benefited from credits of up to $ 15,000 under the Young Impulse Program. , which began in February 2018, and is sponsored by the government.

Entrepreneurs today presented to the head of state his first work initiatives at the Carondelet Palace, headquarters of the executive.

After visiting the houses of various projects, the president said that these initiatives contributed to the economic development of the country and congratulated the new independent workers.

" Those who choose to undertake are independent persons and it is more profitable than a fixed job ," said the head of state.

Among the projects presented are the production of botanical oils and the badembly of fumigation drones

"Young Impulse" is a complete program of the "One Life" Plan, under the direction of the Technical Secretariat of Youth, which provides credits for productive enterprises, labor market insertion mechanisms and plans for access to technical and higher education

On his Twitter profile, the Presidency said that it is investing in emblematic program "in order to facilitate the implementation of youth projects and create new sources of employment."

With this initiative, the state seeks to reduce youth unemployment based on the creation of jobs under appropriate conditions. to entrepreneurship and the promotion of education related to production. EFE


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