Ecuadorian Exasambleísta tells mysterious turtle of Moreno with Correa


Santo Domingo (Santo Domingo de Tsáchilas), July 3, 2018.- The President of the Republic, Lenín Moreno, witnessed the signing of the Cooperation Agreement between the Development Bank of á. Latin America (CAF) and the Secretariat National Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (Senescyt) for the creation of the University of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas. Photo: Fredy Constant / Presidency of the Republic

Former Ecuadorian Ambbadador Fernando Balda, center of an investigation into an attempted abduction against him, today tied a mysterious tweet from the president Lenin Moreno to the former president Rafael Correa suggesting that he would compare it with criminals like "El Chapo" and "Al Capone".

In his intriguing and inexplicable message, Moreno has now coined the meaning of the term "pseudonym". "And says that it's a" fictitious name that an author uses. "

After mentioning the names of Neftalí Reyes (Pablo Neruda), Joaquín Salvador Lavado (Quino) and Lucila Godoy (Gabriela Mistral), remember that they use the pseudonyms" mafiosi and delinquents "like the Mexican Joaquín Guzmán ("El Chapo") and the Americans Alphonse Gabriel Capone ("Al Capone") and Charles Floyd ("Pretty Boy").

And without specifying who he is referring to, or giving an explanation, Moreno closes his message saying that he also uses "Carlitos."

He was the conservative exasambleísta who claimed that "Carlitos" is as he was known Correa among those who allegedly executed the attempt to kidnap against him in 2012, in an operation he attributes to the Ecuadorian secret service in Colombia.

"In its version, the author confessed to the kidnapping of Fernando Balda, the agent Raúl Chicaiza, confessed before the Attorney General that in the opera criminal offense of kidnapping, Rafael Correa, among them they called it "Carlitos"; ", says a message from the former ambbadador to reporters.

Chicaiza, former intelligence officer of the Ecuadorian National Police, has embraced the effective cooperation in the investigation that the Attorney General is conducting in the Balda case and, in his testimony, linked Correa to the order of the removal of one of his first critics in the conservative opposition

After having been bound by criminal ties on June 18, the exmandatario violated the injunction to appear before the National Court of Justice every 15 days to July 2, for which Ecuador asked Last week Interpol was arrested and extradited.

Correa said he was the target of a "political conspiracy" by those who were injured by his ten years of government. EFE

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