Ecuador's ambassador to Spain contextualizes statements on Correa


Cristóbal Roldán. Photo taken by El Comercio

The Ecuadorian ambbadador to Spain, Cristóbal Roldán contextualized today the statements made about the legal situation of the former Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa as part of a meeting with Ibero-American journalists in Madrid

In a statement sent to Efe Roldán ensures that regarding the possibility that Correa is seeking refuge in Spain " I do not believe that this is happening because the former president resides in Belgium and is married to a Belgian citizen ."

Again sought on the same subject, l & # 39; Ecuadorian Ambbadador added: " I suggest you return to the country which gives the face to submit to the judges to prove that he is a good man ." [19659004] He also stated that he would be badured like all the judicial processes currently in Ecuador. 004] "There is absolute transparency and there the former president can dignify his figure, in case of innocence, he must go to maintain as we believe, he is always a good man." [19659004] Roldán added literally: " I want to think that he has no criminal responsibility ." 19659004] The diplomat pointed out that since May 24, 2017 the Justice in Ecuador has prevailed, stressing that judges are absolutely independent.

"The government can not even suggest in decisions that are the responsibility of the judiciary" He said. EFE


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