Eduardo Mangas did not appear at the Office of the Prosecutor for the screening of audio complaints – La República CE


Photo taken from the newspaper El Telégrafo

The former secretary general of the presidency Eduardo Mangas did not attend the public prosecutor's hearing on Monday to make a version of the complaint made by the leaders of the movement Creating Opportunities (CREO) on his statements in a filtered audio

In the recording, Mangas reports that he is came to the election campaign in the middle of an unfavorable scenario, because he had neither logistical nor financial support of the movement, and that they lost the first and second round; that the president Lenin Moreno accepted the imposition of Jorge Glas for vice president, for "loyalty and camaraderie" with Rafael Correa.

In addition, he spoke of an agreement with certain parties to have as "common enemy" the leader of the CREO, Guillermo Lbado, in the countryside, and that a Front would be created to counter the Anti-Corruption Commission.

The dissemination of these statements motivated the departure of Mangas in December 1965

The plaintiffs César Monge and the badembled Homero Castanier, of CREO, are scheduled to appear in the afternoon, which will insist the appearance of Mangas. (I)

  • Source Journal The Universe

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