Edwin Oviedo, President of the FPF, is accused of homicide


Source: StudioFútbol

Edwin Oviedo Pichotito, head of the Peruvian Football Federation (FPF), is accused along with other ex-directors of the Tumán company for the alleged crime of murder. homicide with malice and lucre. The Office of the Specialist Prosecutor against organized crime in Lambayeque has asked for 26 years in prison

The indictment also includes seven former directors of the Tumán agro-industrial society. The victim was the sugar worker Manuel Rimarachín Cascos, who was shot three times while on his way to work in 2012.

The prosecutor who filed the application, Juan Carrasco Millones, asks also a similar sanction to former directors, Segundo Ordinola Zapata and Pablo Arce Benites, among others involved

Meanwhile, the defense of Edwin Oviedo, questioned the role of prosecutor Carrasco, as he said that the Criminal Appeal Chamber declared the nullity of the decision of the judge who gave the deadline Five days to the public prosecutor to specify the imputation against the president of the FPF.

Edwin Oviedo's lawyer, José Carlos Isla Montaño, added that the prosecutor acted quickly to advance the details of a case that was handled in

"This means that the prosecution is eager because it has presumed that the judicial resolution that required it to specify the charges could be declared null (…) The prosecutor finish the investigation yesterday (5 April of the current year) and in less than 24 hours demands the complaint against Edwin Oviedo.

"How is it possible to have evaluated more than 70 volumes with more than forty thousand pages in 24 hours? . This means that Mr Carrasco had already taken a stand against Mr Oviedo. It is a lack of impartiality and persecution, "concluded the lawyer Oviedo

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