Egas: "It is the duty of the Pro League to criticize what is not done well in Ecuadorian football"


Source: StudioFútbol

Francisco Egas was one of the representatives of the clubs that make up the Pro League who was on the Presidents' Council where they made the resolution not to play the Cup of Nations. Ecuador, a project promoted by the Ecuatoriana Federation of Fútbol

"Organizing an extra tournament in our calendar, is ignoring and ignoring what is happening in Ecuadorian football.We have an extremely long calendar where holidays players do not fit anymore. "The economic problems and timing prevent the Ecuador Cup from being played, besides we have contractual obligations to comply", expressed Egas to HAVOLINE SPORTS.

The director badured that they will continue to report to them everything that is against what they consider bad for the development of our football: "criticize what we believe is not well in Ecuadorian football is a duty of the Liga Pro and its affiliates, "he said. The priority for now is to continue to solidify our tournament, our structure, this league that was born, and it is important that she was born solid, "said Egas, who attended as a representative from the Catholic University on the resolutions of @LigaProEC : "Our priority for the moment is to continue to solidify our tournament, our structure, this league that was born, and that It is important to be born solidly. a "

– Havoline Deportivo (@havolinedeporte) July 24, 2018

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