Emotional messages of support to the Colombian team


Former Colombian players left their messages of support and gratitude in their social networks to the team led by José Néstor Pékerman, eliminated in the second round of the 2018 World Cup on Tuesday after a shootout against the team. ;England.

Here are some of the publications:

"Thank you again my selection has made us proud, we are always going further," shared Mario Yepes on his Instagram account.

For his part, Faustino Asprilla posted on his Twitter "They managed to force a penalty even when they were playing with the referee against the whole match. Come on @FCFSeleccionCol, more triumphs and beautiful moments will come. "

They gave all the boys and they were superiors, they managed to force penalties, even when they played with the referee against the whole match .. Go @FCFSeleccionCol over triumphs and beautiful moments will come

– Faustino Asprilla (@TinoasprillaH) July 3, 2018

The Greenland midfielder of Shanghai Freddy Guarín, who was present at the last World Cup in Brazil, he wanted to share his gratitude on his Twitter account and wrote: "Leaving everything on the ground, sometimes without the expected result, is the greatest satisfaction." [19659005] Leave everything on the ground, sometimes with no expected result, is the most great satisfaction that a footballer can have.

Towards selection # my respect, admiration and gratitude.

– Fredy guarin (@ fguarin13) July 3, 2018 [19659009] "All the Colombian people is proud of that Colombian selection. We thank you from the bottom of the heart and feeling, because this selection has character or as I say, it has an egg, "said El Pibe's Valderrama de Calos through his YouTube channel

Youtube / Carlos El Pibe Valderrama

] Writing NTN24

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