Emotional video of penguin couple walking "by the hand"


05 July 2018, 11:47

The adorable scene was captured on the coast of Cape Town, South Africa, and its publication already has more than 200,000 tastes.

  Emotional video of penguins couple They walk

A moving scene that has been recorded in video has captivated social networks, it's an unusual walk of penguins that go "hand in hand" along Cape Coast,

In the recording, it seems that the two penguins look at each other while walking along the shore of a beach, a scene that has generated a resemblance between users in the networks and their love relationship.

] It has always been believed that penguins are a symbol of romanticism because these animals choose their partner for life and are characterized by their extreme loyalty.

The video that has been published since Monday has more than 200 000 me. like and 76 .464 retweets.

my aunt just came back from South Africa and she sent me this video that she took of this little couple of penguins pic.twitter.com/TkBpT5z9RV [19659009] – (@freakingdani) 2 July 2018

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