Erdogan says that Israel is the most racist and fascist state in the world – The EC Republic


Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkey

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared today (19459009) "Israel is the most Zionist, fascist and racist state in the world" where he resurfaced "the spirit of Adolf Hitler" reported the Hürriyet newspaper.

Erdogan made the remarks at a meeting in Ankara with his party, the Islamist Party of Justice and Development (AKP), after reiterating his criticism of the so-called "law of violence." State of the Jewish Nation, approved last Thursday in Israel

Such a regulation – which protects the Jewish character of the country, reserves the right to self-determination of the collective and indicates Hebrew as the only official language – "reveals the true intention of this country", noted the head of state.

He also attacked the performance of Israeli soldiers in the face of Palestinian protests over the separation barrier between the Gaza Strip and Israel.

"They are advancing with tanks, artillery, planes and rockets at Palestinian civilians who are only looking to defend their own land. was a state of terror, "warns Erdogan.

"The spirit of (the German dictator Nazi ) Adolf Hitler resurfaced among Israeli officials" said the Turkish president.

The Turkish president seeks to lead the defense of Palestinian protesters on the international scene, launching harsh criticism against Israel.

Among his actions in this area, the convening of an extraordinary summit of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC), held last May in Istanbul. EFE

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