Evo Morales rejects the prison order issued against Rafael Correa


05 July 2018, 07:36

The Bolivian government has expressed dissatisfaction and rejection of the prison order issued against former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa.

Ecuador called on his ambbadador to Bolivia to consult Rafael Correa. The government of Evo Morales has shown its dissatisfaction and rejection of the prison order issued against former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa.

For their part, opponents say that it is a sign of the fall of leftist governments, of corruption and According to him, the next leader would be the indigenous leader. "It is becoming clear that populist governments are seriously engaged in acts of corruption, human rights violations … Many are already there, Lula is, Kishner is there and I think only Morales has disappeared, "said opposition MP Rafael Quispe

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