Evo Morales signs his candidacy for primary school in Bolivia – La República EC


The President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, addresses the 71st session of the UN General Assembly in New York, Wednesday, September 21, 2016. (Frank Franklin II / AP Photo)

The Bolivian president, Evo Moralesand the vice president of the country, Álvaro García Lineratoday, they registered their candidacy for the primaries of the Bolivia at the times when the electoral body closes the deadline for the submission of applications.

morals and Garcia Linera they went to the offices of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal in La Paz accompanied by some state ministers and thousands of supporters were waiting for them with flags, songs and rhythms typical of the Andean rhythms.

In a brief speech to the crowd, morals He highlighted as historic the primary elections that he describes as "for the first time" in the history of the country and said he was confident that during these elections, there will be "a beating of (parties of) the right ".

Every word from the Bolivian president has been followed with attention by his followers who have not stopped pausing to revive songs like "Evo again" or "Evo forever", even as Bolivian flags and wiphalas were brandished, a gridded and multicolored banner that represents indigenous peoples.

The couple moralsGarcia Linera, which belongs to the Movement for Socialism (MAS), will be presented for the fourth time in the national elections thanks to a judgment of the Constitutional Court of 2017 that allows them to represent themselves indefinitely.

This body approved his re-election, considering that the Constitution and the electoral regulations restricted the fundamental right of morals to be a candidate and the people to elect him, contrary to the referendum of February 2016 which denied him this possibility.

In the course of the day, they should register their application. She is a presidential candidate for former President Carlos Mesa, of the Christian Democrat Party (PDC) of ex-mandator Jaime Paz Zamora and the Civic Solidarity Unit (UCS) led by the United Arab Emirates. former Vice President Víctor Hugo Cárdenas.

While the alliance Bolivia says No, which articulates the parties of the businessman Samuel Doria Medina and the governor of Santa Cruz, Ruben Costas, has not yet made known to their candidates for lack of consensus.

The Bolivian National Action Party (Pan-Bol) and the Third System Movement (MTS) of the governor of La Paz, Felix Patzi, also registered their duets to the presidency and the vice presidency.

The deadline for submitting applications is Wednesday midnight. The report of the electorate on the candidates will be known on December 8th.

Primary elections are scheduled for January 27 next year.


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