Evo sees American "interference" in the prison order for Correa


Evo Morales, President of Bolivia. Photo File, The Republic.

Bolivian President Evo Morales has rejected in the last hours the demand for imprisonment against the former Ecuadorian Rafael Correa and denounced an alleged "interference" by the United States in this request.

"We reject the request of the Prosecutor Ecuador for preventive detention against the former president of this country, Bro. @MashiRafael," the president wrote on Twitter

He also denounced an alleged "politicization of Ecuadorian justice and American interference", in which considered an attempt to "imprison an innocent."

Morales closed his message with a "we are with you brother Correa, Venceremos!"

The Bolivian Head of State issued the text of a clinic in La Paz, where he entered yesterday to undergo routine medical examinations that will partially distance him from his daily work rhythm. , according to official information.

The Office of the Prosecutor of Ecuado r on Tuesday ordered the pre-trial detention against Correa, related in a case that investigates the attempted kidnapping in Colombia of a former ex-Ecuadorian legislator in 2012.

Correa, who has been living in Belgium for a year, presented at the Consulate of Ecuador in the European country, as alleging compliance with the precautionary measure that had been imposed after criminal ties with the case on June 18.

The former Ecuadorian rejects any participation, badures that there is no evidence of his alleged personal involvement in the events, and denounces that he is subjected to political persecution and the media. EFE

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