Excessive exposure to the sun can damage the brain or heart – La República EC


The Excessive exposure to the sun can cause thermal shocks that can damage the brain, heart, kidneys and muscles, said an expert Friday.

"Prolonged exposure to high doses of solar radiation can have consequences"said the doctor's representative of the Institute of Security and Social Services of State Workers (ISSSTE) of Mexico, Antonio Leyva Islas.

The specialist explained that excessive exposure to heat can cause "mild to severe" ailments ranging from confusion to agitation, not to mention problems with diction, irritability, delirium convulsions and coma.

In addition, he said, nausea, vomiting, redness of the skin and rapid breathing can occur "Since the body tries to cool our body and does it by breathing and especially the blood vessels".

In addition, he explained that when the skin acts as "a radiator similar to that of cars, the glbades open to try to lose heat, which implies that the heart beats faster".

This is why people with heart or lung disease can present symptoms well before they reach 40 degrees Celsius.

Leyva Islas explained that "heat stroke" is generated when the human body reaches more than 40 degrees Celsius, three more than what regulates the central nervous system.

He said children under five and adults over 60 are the most at risk groups for "heat stroke" because they lose the stability needed to regulate body temperature.

He also stated that patients taking diuretics, heart medications, and people with mental health problems and seizures are at higher risk than others.

Faced with a "heat stroke", he recommended in the first place keep people away from sunlight, put them in the shade, put them in a tub or shower them in cold water.

They must also place cold compresses or ice on the back, underarms and inguinal areas try to lower the elevated body temperature, until you check, using a thermometer, that it is falling.

If there is no improvement, you should go to a hospital center because damage caused by "heat stroke" can cause death.

The specialist called for taking precautions, not to expose to sunlight in the hours when the intensity of the heat was greater, to use sun blockers, hats and umbrellas.

In addition, drink enough water to stay hydrated and pay special attention to children and the elderly. EFE

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