Expromesa del Santos says that he suffered an attempt at sexual abuse at the club – La República CE


The expromesa of Brazilian saints Jean Chera who played in the basic categories of the club from 9 to 16 years, said today on social networks that 's he suffered an "attempt of badual abuse" He played in the entity

Chera interacted on Instagram with a group of fans when, in one of his messages, he wrote that He had already lived "until an attempt at badual abuse at the base of the Saints",

Questioned by another user about the evidence of the charge, the player, today Aged 23, replied that "the first test" was his "conscience" and the second was the fact that "The coach was fired at the time."

"And other cases appeared … but at the time there was little discussion on this subject," explains Chera in the tool & # 39; Stories & # 39; of the aforementioned social network

After the revelation of the player, the Saint s insisted, by an official note, that he was "surprised by the statements" and that "the information it was not known to the current management, nor did it report it. "

The club also badured "" Santos FC insists on putting itself at the disposal of the football player and the family for all the necessary protection, in addition to ) possible denunciation and the elucidation of the unfortunate fact that was made public "the team reported.

The Santos was already rife with other pedophilia complaints at its base, when another ex-player, Ruan Petrick, 19, recorded a police report against the club's non-professional staff coordinator, Ricardo Marco Crivelli, last April.

According to the complaint, Crivelli would have abused him in 2010, He was 11 years old

According to the newspaper "State of Sao Paulo", after the opening of the investigation, Santos dismissed Crivelli and declared that he would wait the report of the authorities on the case.

a player who did not want to identify himself told the TV show "Esporte Espetacular", of the group Globo, who had also been a victim of Crivelli at the age of 13 years. EFE

Jean Chera. Photo taken from AmericaTv.


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