Facebook launches a new app to pay users for their data


Facebook Wednesday announced the creation of a new application to pay users in exchange for access to their data. In January, the company was forced to close another service performing the same function, which caused controversy over its use by some of the miners.

Thus, only four months after the withdrawal from the market "Facebook search"The society that manages Mark Zuckerberg has announced a new product with the same goal: to gather information about the characteristics of users and the type of activities they perform on their mobile phone.

The new app, which will be called "Facebook Study", is, like its predecessor, a volunteer, and the company will pay money to users to encourage their participation, although it will did not specify the amount.

The previous service, "Facebook search", Was controversial earlier this year when the trade press announced that the social network was promoting the tool to minors and paying them about $ 20 in exchange for access to the near -total of their mobile activity.

As a result, the Menlo Park Company (California, USA) has put a special emphasis this time on "Study from Facebook". Only users aged 18 and over will be able to participate and all participants will be able to leave the study moment.

The company has also limited the type of information it will have access to: what applications did the user download, how long did it spend in each of them, the country of ?? 39, the origin of the user, his phone model, the type of Internet connection and the type of connection? name of the activities performed in each application.

The previous version of this service had also been publicly criticized by Apple, which had just removed a license from iPhone phones to Facebook, so that "Study from Facebook" is available only on Android operating systems.

According to the company, users will be periodically reminded of the type of information being tracked and used, and they will be badured that they will not have access to data such as content. specific visited on the network, private messages or pbadwords.

The first countries in which the new application of Facebook It will be available in the United States and India, and Internet users will only be able to participate in the program if, while using their phone, they announce "Facebook studyAnd click on it.

The company that he co-founded Zuckerberg has been involved in recent months in many scandals related to the protection of privacy and the management of its user data, which placed it at the center of the concerns of governments and regulatory bodies around the world. EFE

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