Fans gather signatures for FIFA to review the match between Colombia and England | NTN24


More than 170,000 Colombian fans signed a petition asking FIFA to review the 2018 World Cup Round of 32 between the Colombian national team and England.

In the campaign started on the website Change. org, it is badured that in the game "there were two controversial movements that have not been submitted" to the VAR, the system of video-refereeing, for which the world football body is invited to review "These two actions to create a precedent of fair play, where good play prevails, legality and guarantees for the participating teams."

"As part of the match of the round of 16 played on July 3, 2018 between Colombia and England (…) There were two controversial movements that were not submitted to the video badistant referee, "VAR", which had a huge impact on the development and the end result of the game, "reads in the petition

" 1) Penalty in favor of England for a non-existent fault and which was obviously wrongly judged by the referee of the FIFA Mark Geiger. 2) The legitimate goal of Carlos Bacca in a game where the referee erroneously held that there was illegitimacy in considering that at the time of the goal there were two balls in the field, which the TV cameras have proven, "he continues

.]" It is in these two games that the referee criterion directs the course of play in favor of the English team, not being correct in one or the other of the two. FIFA is invited to review these two actions in order to set a precedent for fair play, where good play, legality and guarantees prevail for participating teams, "says the initiative at

The initiative already has more than 173,000 signatures in less than 24 hours and is set as a goal of reaching a minimum of 200,000 signatures, according to information reported by the United States. Efe press agency.

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