FARC dissidents burn the vehicle of a British demining NGO in Colombia – La República CE


ARCHIVER | BOG07. CALI, COLOMBIA, 23/06/08 – Seven members of the 30th Front of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), including two minors, surrendered today, 23 June 2008, to the troops of the United States. Colombian army, in the facilities of the Third Division in Cali, Colombia. The guerrillas claimed that they were surrounded by operations carried out by the armed forces in the Naya area in the south-west of the country. EFE / Carlos Ortega COLOMBIA – CONFLICT

Dissenters of FARC burned in the Colombian department of Meta (center) a truck in which four people of the British NGO The Halo Trust who works in humanitarian demining in this part of the country, military sources have informed today.

The VII Army Brigade explained in a statement that "Terrorist Action" occurred Wednesday in Santander, which is part of the Uribe municipality, where men of the 40th FARC dissidents' Front stopped the truck and after going down, its occupants burned it down.

For its part, the Directorate for Comprehensive Action Against Antipersonnel Mines (Decontamina Colombia) stated in a statement that the men who cremated the vehicle said that they belonged to dissidents of the [19459009FARC to the command of "Calarcá".

In addition, adds the information, "they threatened the staff of Halo Trust and informed them that they did not want the presence of this organization in the municipalities of Uribe and Mesetas. "

The Halo Trust was established in 1988 to help Afghanistan deal with the humanitarian catastrophe caused by mines planted during the war years and operates in several departments of Colombia since 2013.

The director of Decontamina Colombia, Sergio Bueno Aguirre, rejected what happened because it compromises not only the operations in 192 municipalities in 29 departments of the country, but also slows the humanitarian activities that benefit the communities.

After the incident, Decontamina Colombia contacted the organization and verified the health status and conditions of The Halo Trust's staff, who are currently in the base of operations.

He also contacted the commander of the Rapid Deployment Force to coordinate measures to ensure the safety of the personnel and equipment of The Halo Trust

Bueno added that "humanitarian demining operations of the organization in this region of the country were suspended ". The Meta is the department in which it is estimated that there are more antipersonnel mines in Colombia, with 8.4 million square meters contaminated, followed by Antioquia (north-west).

In addition, the Meta ranks second in number of victims with 1,136, after Antioquia, which has 2,540. [19659003] The Halo Trust, which gained notoriety in 1997 when Princess Diana of Wales, who supported his work, crossed a field where his specialists removed mines in Angola, works in the Colombian departments. Meta, Antioquia and Tolima. EFE

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