Favaro: "There is a step where we will try to be protagonists"


Source: StudioFútbol

Eduardo Favaro, technical director of the Club Deportivo El Nacional, took a look at the ÁREA DEPORTIVA pickups and spoke about the second stage of the Ecuadorian championship, which will start this weekend. .

"We had a very bad conclusion in the first stage, we need to regain confidence, help us play better and have better results," said the Uruguayan strategist.

"We will take the matches one at a time Do not dose energy, try to give the maximum to each part We want to face all the complicated games with good performances. that I have.The results will give us confidence, "he added, about the upcoming matches against Barcelona and Delfín." We want to get out of where we are, we have a good second step in which we will try to be protagonists in every game, "said Favaro. 19659002] Note: Víctor Loor Bonilla

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