Felipe VI and Moreno examine bilateral cooperation and Ibero-American issues – La República CE


King Felipe VI and President of Ecuador, Lenín Moreno, iz., At the hearing held today at the Palace of La Zarzuela. The President of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno, begins a two-day official visit to Spain, focusing on political and economic cooperation. Photo of the Secretariat of Communication

Lenin Moreno, King of Spain and President of Ecuador spoke today about the prospects for bilateral cooperation and various Ibero-American regional issues .

Moreno, who initiates a two-day visit to Spain, the second in less than eight months, was received at the Zarzuela Palace by Felipe VI

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador José Valencia, and the Secretary of State for International Cooperation of Spain, Juan Pablo de Laiglesia, as well as the respective ambbadadors, attended the meeting, in the official office of the King.

Moreno then moves to the Moncloa Palace to meet with the head of the Spanish Executive, the Socialist Pedro Sánchez, and to have lunch together

At the seat of the Spanish government presidency, the two governments will sign a police cooperation agreement on security and

Lenin Moreno, who arrived in Madrid after a visit to the United Kingdom, will then meet with the former Socialist President of the Spanish Government, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.

Then he will chair the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Ecuadorian government and business groups to strengthen his social housing project "Casa para Todos"

Moreno, 65, took office in May of last year as head of state replacing Rafael Correa – Both belonging to the left-wing formation Alianza País, although currently opposed – after winning in the second round presidential elections with 51.16 percent of the vote. EFE

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