FIFA calls for "exaggerated and prolonged" women's plans


FIFA diversity officer Federico Addiechi on Friday urged local and international TV directors to reduce "exaggerated and prolonged" spectator plans at World Cup matches to avoid harbadment

"We prefer coverage to avoid big exaggerated and prolonged projects, which can lead to suggesting a badual connotation or favoring one bad over the other," he said in a statement sent to the AFP press agency. The highest court of football has recorded 45 cases of badist harbadment, including 15 journalists and 30 mostly Russian women, at the most important football event. However, many of them have not been registered.

The broadcast of these images shows spectators in the stands, with a particular focus on certain viewers or spectators. Although, the cases that have been recorded have been in the stadiums "and we know them through the media or social networks."

The recommendation was made for the last two matches of the World Championship next weekend, in which they will play third place between England-Belgium and the final between France and Croatia.

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