FIFA invites 12 Thai children trapped in World Cup final


Source: AS

FIFA, through its president, Gianni Infantino, sent a letter to the Federation of Thailand inviting the 12 children of a football team to the final of the World Cup and his coach disappeared since June 23 in a cave in the north of the country. In the event that the rescue would allow them to leave the place where they are now locked, and in which they were discovered a few days ago by a diver, FIFA gives them the opportunity to To go to the finals. One of the things kids asked about when they were discovered was the results of the World Cup, and that ended up captivating the best FIFA executives.

The current situation with children is delicate. The mud and water that flooded the cave in which they find themselves after a heavy rain monsoon make their rescue very difficult. Several divers bring them food and they are even likely to have diving lessons to get out of the hidden place, a small internal beach, where they are in the cave. It could take months to go.

The event created a great commotion in the world. The gestures of solidarity were enormous with the children and their coach before the difficulties to leave the cave in which they are currently locked up . FIFA joined and, being very optimistic, even more than the authorities, invited them to the July 15 final in Moscow.

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