First successful bipulmonary transplant in Ecuador – La República EC


The Hospital of Specialties Carlos Andrade Marín of Quito, badigned to the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security (IESS), successfully performed a bipulmonary transplant, the first carried out in the country and sixth in all of South America.

The intervention was carried out in mid-July and lasted more than fourteen hours and involved more than 30 physicians in pulmonary surgery, pneumology, anesthesiology, immunology, unitary intensive care units, among others, says a statement from the medical center released today.

The patient, 30 years old and still recovering, suffered from a terminal respiratory illness and had used a device providing oxygen 24 hours a day, said the hospital. .

"We are the second transplant program that is done in height above sea level with Bogotá" [19459] 007] refers to the medical technical director and the second authority of the Quito Hospital, Miguel Moreira, who stressed the difficulty of doing this type of operations at 2,800 meters altitude in the Ecuadorian capital.

Oxygen is weaker and becomes a challenge because we have little information on how the transplanted lung in these conditions will be " he added.

The patient was suffering from a secondary interstitial state due to constrictive bronchiolitis due to rheumatoid arthritis, this made it impossible for him to develop a normal life due to the need to provide oxygen throughout the

The doctor said that his recovery was very good and that it could be released in the coming days. "Moreira said the success of the intervention opens up the possibility of future lung transplants. Ecuador and that "reach all the citizens of the country."

The pioneering program in the Andean nation began four years ago, when a team of Eleven professionals, including surgeons, Anesthesiologists, pathologists, resuscitators, respiratory therapists and nurses, attended a training course at the Puerta de Hierro Hospital in Madrid

"This was the first step, and then credited. After some inconvenience, it was the first time that a program of this type had been established in the country " said the doctor, who revealed that they currently have a list of five possible recipients of lung transplants

Hospital Carlos Andrade Marín is a national leader with over 400 kidney, liver and corneal transplants, and this year he hopes to start bone marrow and in 2019 the transplant heart, he stressed EFE

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