Former councilor denounces Vicuña for collecting tithes at the Assembly – La República CE


Ecuadorian President Lenina Moreno (right) and Vice President Alejandra Vicuña sing while celebrating the fact that their referendum proposal was approved by Ecuadorians in Quito, Ecuador on Sunday, February 4, 2018. (AP Photo / Dolores Ochoa)

The scandal of tithing in the National Assembly continues. The Office of the Prosecutor is investigating some legislators and one of them has already lost his position in the legislature. This time, a former official denounced the Vice President María Alejandra Vicuña for demanding such undue payments when she was a member of the Assembly.

Teleamazonas today revealed the affidavit of one of its former advisers, Ángel Sagbay. He stated that he worked at the vice president's office with two different positions and that he had to make deposits on the Vicuña account when she was a legislator. The former manager pointed out that at the time of its promotion, the tithing quota had increased.

In the document, Sagbay adds that during the period when he worked as administrative badistant at the vicuña 's office, from 2011 to 2012, "I had to transfer the sum of $ 300 to the current account of the vicuña. ex-astambulist María Alejandra Vicuña. "

In the affidavit, the former manager stated that "this contribution was requested directly by María Alejandra Vicuña to give me the post.It told me that it was a very important thing to do. a compulsory contribution for the Bolivar alarzan Movement Alfarista. "

The former public servant would have made payments at the end of the month and sometimes every 15 days during the period he was in that position. "Then he received a promotion and the amount of deposits increased," said the media.

"She directly asked me to increase the contribution to the political movement to which she belonged, by requiring that from the date of signing the contract – on 1 June 2012 – deposit in her current account the $ 1,400 for 12 months, "she says. The declaration of Sagbay.

Likewise, he adds, there is complete evidence of the thing declared and evidence of "deposits".

On September 14, 2018, Vicuña reportedly referred to the collection of tithes in the National Assembly. "We have all contributed to political organizations on a voluntary basis (…) The surveys will yield the results that correspond to those who extorted money from officials of their Assembly teams."

Teleamazonas reveals that his vice president, María Alejandra Vicuña, had been collected as a result of a tithing drive by her former legislative employee.

– TheHistoria (@lahistoriaec) November 27, 2018

  • With reports from Metro Ecuador

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