Fox will return to the "24" series by counting the origins of his protagonist – La República CE


Kiefer Sutherland

The "24" series, one of the most successful of the Fox network, will make bets on the format of the prequel to tell the origins of its protagonist, Jack Bauer, who was at the Originally played by Kiefer Sutherland, reports today The Hollywood Reporter.

The creators of the original series, Joel Surnow and Bob Cochran, will work together again to create the new format and are already writing the script for what they hope to become a story that runs through over several seasons.

Precisely lately "24" came back with a limited series format, both with "Legacy" (2017) and with "Live Another Day" (2014).

At this point it has not been decided who will be the actor who plays the character in his youth.

"24" was on the air for eight seasons (2001-2010) before returning with "Live Another Day". After this return, the essence of the series remains in "Legacy" but with another protagonist, Eric Carter (Corey Hawkins), a decorated soldier who returns home and tries to avoid a major terrorist attack on the American soil.

The format of "24" bets to tell events virtually in real time and with split screen

The original series, premiered in November 2001, won 76 nominations for the Emmy Awards, a prize that was won in the drama category in 2006.

Kiefer Sutherland won the Best Theater Actor that same year. EFE

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