France asks the United States to "respect its allies" – The EC Republic


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Buenos Aires (EFE) .- The French Minister of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire asked today United States at the meeting of G20 of Buenos Aires which "respects the rules of multilateralism" and its allies, being convinced that world trade "can not be based on the law of the jungle."

World trade can not be based on the law of the jungle and the unilateral tariff increase is the law of the jungle " The Mayor expressed on Twitter, attending the meeting of ministers of Finance and Presidents of the G20 Central Banks in the Argentine Capital

The appointment is marked by the decision of the President of the United States, Donald Trump to strengthen its protectionist policy by applying tariffs to its trading partners, notably China .

"H Let's call on the United States to see the meaning, respect the rules of multilateralism and respect their allies" pointed out the Minister of the Economy of France, who had a bilateral meeting in the context of the Buenos Aires meeting with the US Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin .

"Always a good meeting with the French Minister of Finance @BrunoLeMaire. We will continue to work together to fight against illicit finances, "the Trump government representative wrote on Twitter

already this Saturday, and at a meeting with Argentine local media, Mnuchin said that if [19459009TheEuropeanUnion is ready for a free trade treaty, the United States too.

"A free treaty, free of customs duties. Our message is clear: free trade, fair trade and reciprocal, "said the American, according to Infobae portal.

On China, in the same case, he says that both countries need to 39; a "more balanced business relationship" although he added that "the only restriction is security issues."

"But we have a very, very open market. Hopefully China is moving towards a more balanced trade. "

Mnuchin also held meetings with the head of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Ángel Gurria, and with his counterparts like the British Philip Hammond, with whom bet, did he says, to "support an economic badociation beneficial to both nations."

On the second and final day of the summit, the sessions, in camera, will focus on technology in the financial sector, the tax system and the government. Financial inclusion, after the discussion of yesterday, focused on the "risks and opportunities" of the global economy, focusing on the future of work and infrastructure for development

today, The Mayor has made it clear that he will defend the European project of taxation of "digital giants"

"A necessary and fair project, which must be executed quickly under the impulse of the Austrian Presidency. Extra work # planned for 2020, "he added EFE (I)

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