France shares experiences with Ecuador in the fight against terrorism – La República CE


France today shared with Ecuador experiences of its fight against terrorism deployed under the so-called "Vigipirate Plan", reported the Interior Ministry.

Explained that strategies and actions to combat terrorist threats were exposed at a binational virtual meeting which, in the case of Ecuador brought together representatives of various institutions in the neighborhood General of the police.

The Director of Organized Crime and Related Offenses of the Ecuadorian Home Ministry, John Game, said that the virtual meeting aimed to know the legal, procedural and doctrinal dimension of the Vigipirate Plan.

This plan is a national warning system in France that has been evaluated in the Andean country to prevent, detect and respond in a coordinated manner to terrorist threats in the country.

At the meeting, the Ambbadador of France in Ecuador [19] 459007] Jean Baptiste Chauvin, raised the possibility of conducting videoconferences between the security institutions of Ecuador and France

Among the objectives of the Vigipirate plan is to ensure the adequate protection of citizens, territory and national interests against the terrorist threat.

In addition, develop and maintain a culture of vigilance for all actors in the country, said the Ecuadorian Ministry in its profile of the social network.

He added that the dialogue guarantees the continuity of activities of vital importance and he also involved the Ecuadorian Ministry of Defense, the Armed Forces, the Office of the Prosecutor and the Judicial Council. EFE

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