Galunate, angry at arbitration: "Will a day be for us?"


Source: StudioFútbol

Hernán Galíndez, goalkeeper of the Universidad Católica, was very upset by what happened last night in the last match of the first day of the second stage of the Ecuadorian championship 2018. [19659002L’UniversidadCatólicaandGuaya’swhereaboutswasgeneralizedbytheolympicadeof’AtahualpaâQuitoLaboÃ'te’scamarataâ€"wasblazedâ€"aroundâ€"butthere’salotoflegitimateopponents’

After the match, the goalkeeper didnâ € ™ t hide his discomfort and left a controversial message on their social networks. and the balloon did not come out. Will it be for us one day? We must continue, beyond everything. Thanks to the fans of the Catholic University who arrived at the stadium and encouraged the whole game, "he wrote.

We left the tweet at his disposal!

Offside, nor the balloon One day will it be for us? We must advance beyond all, thanks to the supporters of @UCatolicaEC who came to the stadium and encouraged the game.

– Hernan Galindez (@ HernanGali12) July 24, 2018

Note: Víctor Loor Bonilla

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