Gianni Infantino invites Thai children trapped in the cave at the World Cup final | NTN24


Gianni Infantino, FIFA President, expressed his hope Friday that the twelve Thai football players, who remain trapped in a cave with their coach, will be safely rescued and invited to the World Cup final. Russia, which will be played on July 15th.

In a letter sent to the president of the Thai Football Federation, General Somnot Poompanmoung, Infantino said that "our thoughts and prayers are with them and their families and we hope that soon they can kiss their loved ones." [19659003] "If, as we hope, you can meet your families in the coming days and your health allows them to travel, we will be happy to invite you to the final of the World Cup in Moscow.", he added in the letter published on FIFA Facebook

Similarly, Infantino wishes his words of support to give the children "calm and courage" and adds that "Sincerely, they can join us in the final, which will be undoubtedly a wonderful moment of celebration. "

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