Great activity of the Ecuadorian volcano Reventador with emissions of gas and ashes – La República CE


The activity of the Ecuadorian volcano Reventador, located about 90 kilometers from Quito, remained high Sunday with emissions of steam, gas and ash up to 500 meters, reported today. The National Geophysical Institute

According to a part provided by the center, " the volcano maintains a high eruptive activity " and at dawn " several emissions of vapor, gas and ash were observed "to the west and heights up to 500 meters above the crater level . "

The volcano has recorded since May an intense activity characterized by eruptions and occasional emissions, the moment they did not cause major damage.

The Reventador is a" stratum composite volcanic ", located in a spur of the eastern branch of the Andean mountain range that is lost with the beginning of the Amazon basin.

At the same time, the current eruptive process began in 2002, consisting of the generation of 39, explosions, emissions of gas and ash, lava flows and lahars.

On the other hand, the Institute of Geophysics reported that in the last hours earthquake magnitude 3.9 on the open scale of Richter and a depth of 12 kilometers, the epicenter of which was located 11.22 kilometers from Pajan, in the province of Manabí EFE [19659009] [ad_2]
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