Hair implant without pain, with FUE technique – La República EC


Before having a hair implant, many people worry about the pain or discomfort that they may feel or feel during the procedure. The truth is that the patient feels no pain during or during the postoperative period.

Due to the discovery of new techniques and the application of new protocols, such as the technique F.U.E. (Follicular Unit Extraction), the hair implant has evolved into an extremely sophisticated outpatient surgical procedure that can be performed safely by a skilled team with experience in medical facilities.

An outpatient surgery is treated: the patient can return home the same day of the intervention. The doctor must avoid that the patient is anxious so that no type of discomfort will appear, reason why the specialist will deem necessary and timely the additional application of a mild sedation, in order that the patient remains completely relaxed.

The hair care center Scatter, in Quito, recommends that patients remain in a state of sleep and forget the time so that the procedure is bearable, because the intervention can last from 6 to 8 hours depending on the needs of follicles of each patient. The goal is to facilitate the development of the intervention while ensuring patient comfort.

Scatter informs the patient that he may feel a sensation of slight pressure or pinching in the area of ​​the scalp depending on individual sensitivity, but that the pain or discomfort will last for a few seconds.

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