Half Lovato, hospitalized for an overdose – La República CE


Demi Lovato, photo taken from Ahora Noticias

Washington, DC, July 24.- The pop singer Demi Lovato was hospitalized today in a health center in Los Angeles (California, USA). USA). ) for an alleged overdose report the US media

TMZ, the portal of information celebrities, says that it is about a heroin overdose [19659003] and that the artist 25 years old, she was found unconscious by the paramedical teams who arrived at her home.

According to this source, Lovato was treated with Narcan, an emergency drug used in case of narcotic overdose, in his own home in the Hollywood Hills.

TMZ stresses that for the moment the status of the singer's health is unknown.

For its part, People magazine, which quotes "a source close to the singer," said on its website that the state of Lovato is "stable" after hab er was transferred to a hospital today. For an overdose.

The source consulted by People have denied that it was a heroin overdose .

The singer spent the night of Monday celebrating the birthday of one of his friends

TMZ said that Lovato has been fighting for a long time against his addictions and had been "sober" for six years of Alcohol, cocaine and pain relievers. EFE

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