Hard criticism of Luka Modric to the English after the victory of Croatia | NTN24


July 11, 2018, 22:10

  Luka Modric's hard criticism to the English after the victory of Croatia "title =" Luka Modric's hard criticism to the English after Croatia's victory in the semifinals of the Cup of the World "/> </div>
<p>  Croatia beat England in the semifinals of the World Cup because the English have" underestimated "their team and that was the mistake , according to midfielder Real Madrid </p>
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Wednesday to England in the match of the semifinal of the Russian World Cup, Luka Modric severely criticized the English who he said had them " underestimated. "

" The English underestimated us and that was a mistake. We read what they wrote and said, "Great, to see who is tired here." They should be more humble and respect their opponents more, "said the Croatian player, according to the Spanish newspaper Marca 19659006] Modric He stressed the qualities of his team and badured that after the victory of Wednesday's match," we have shown that we are strong. We dominate the game physically and mentally. We had to kill the match before the extension. "

The Real Madrid midfielder has imposed himself as one of the favorites to win the" Best "and" Golden Ball "after to have won the Champions with the club "merengue" and leading his team to the finals of the World Cup

editorial NTN24

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