Health workers continue protests despite announcements from Maduro – La República CE


Tareck el Aissami and Nicolás Maduro. Photo taken from ABC

The government of President Chavez Nicolás Maduro did not cancel the protests of the country's health agents, who have been clamoring in the street for nearly a year. One year. Despite recent announcements of millionaire investments for the sector, hundreds of workers demonstrated Monday in Caracas with the same slogans of the first day and said that the low wages they receive do not allow them to meet our needs the most basic, such as food.

"We ratify today the continuation of this strike because we have received no response" told reporters the executive secretary of the Federation of Health Workers of Venezuela (Fetrasalud) , Pablo Zambrano, from an event.

The labor dispute with health workers is the largest ever nfrentado Maduro since coming to power in 2013.

But his government has not offered answers worthy of To be heard by the protesters, that tomorrow they will serve 30 days of "face to face" ] which initiated the union of nurses and to which adhered doctors, biobadysts, workers and administrators of Public hospitals.

Zambrano reiterated the call to the citizens to support these demonstrations, which also denounce the shortage of medicines and the

"We do not believe in the government of the president Maduro (… ), we have days asking for dialogue to find solutions and to date they have not done it ", he said, while saying that they have the intention of To unite their "struggle" with that of the workers of almost all public companies who also protested for nearly a month for similar reasons.

The idea of ​​the College of Nurses of Caracas, Ana Rosario Contreras, asked the ruling Chavismo to badume "his responsibility" in the health crisis characterized, according to a report, by a " collapsed infrastructure "," unmotivated workers "and shortages

Maduro approved Saturday investments amounting to 293.089.000 euros (about 344 million dollars) to improve services in the some 300 public hospitals in the country.

that this money will be used to import drugs for mbad consumption, generally rare in Venezuela, as well as to optimize the care of oncological patients, transplant patients with kidney or chronic diseases and people infected with the virus. Human immunodeficiency (HIV). [19659003] And last week, he asked his office to hold a national consultation to transform the country's public health system.

today, they were also organized in the Venezuelan province, as in the city of Maracaibo, capital of the state of Zulia (border with Colombia), where a group of workers from the 39; pediatric specialty hospital has been introduced to the gates of the place. they badured that they only performed their work because of the commitment to the patients because the salary does not even cover their travel expenses.

Health workers ensured that their monthly incomes were equal to or lower than the current minimum wage of 5 196 000 Bolivars ($ 36.1 or $ 2.1, depending on the exchange rate used), amounts that condemn them to extreme poverty according to the parameters of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (ODS).

Also today, workers in the electricity sector in Venezuela, in crisis due to corruption and lack of investment, according to the opposition, have manifested in the Venezuela is the country with the largest proven reserves of oil on the planet, but is undergoing a severe economic crisis that results in a shortage of staple foods and medicines as well as hyperinflation, a phenomenon that has pulverized

For these reasons and the poor delivery of public services, in the South American country every day since last month, there have been dozens of protests from workers and citizens calling in the end of the crisis. EFE

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