Human dramas of immigration in Spain take shape in a crime novel – La República EC


For work reasons, the writer made fifteen years a day on this trip and has now been able to "shape a feeling" that badaulted her in these suburban trains. "The story begins and ends in the train years later," Triviño told Efe

" Transterrados" (Calambur Narrativa), a story with touches of a black novel , to Constanza as the narrator and the guiding thread of the testimonies of the characters, all immigrants, who talk about their relationship with Luis Jorge

A "choral novel" that investigates a murder in which all the clues point to this exiled journalist in Spain after having fled his country

Luis Jorge, also "transterrado", leaves behind his friends and his family to take refuge in Madrid, but at dawn he is in front of the corpse of his new partner and can not remember what happened. All the rout.

The work is, apparently, to clarify the causes of this crime, which becomes the backdrop for presenting "in reality" stories of immigrants, whether it is the caring for the elders, the street artist, the housewife or the painter.

"The characters, of Latin American descent, mingle with others of African or Eastern (European) origin and discuss their different immigration experiences." Ubrayó the Colombian

All are fictional characters although "perfectly" may exist – he says – because they are the result of immigration generated by political and social violence and as a result of globalization. and his "economic immigration."

The people who were forced to leave their country for these varied reasons become, for Triviño, "transterrados", a term coined by the Spanish intellectual Jose Gaos (exiled in The Mexico in the 1940s) and which gives a title to the work

"It is a term that includes, even for its phonetic resonance, the banishment of many emigrants who leave their country for a reason or another, "said Author

Triv Iño has lived in Madrid since 1983, and for more than three decades, he has witnessed the transformations that have made Spain a multicultural country, "mainly in urban areas."

The transformation was " so fast "that society has not stopped thinking about the changes brought about by immigration and now Triviño intends to" account for it "and try to understand it through literature

. in literature we can give a voice to a new reality, a new Spain, which is the Spain of immigration, "says Triviño

" Transmogrified "is a story of" encounters and disagreements "in which "loves" are mixed and the lack of love, the victims and the aggressors ", explains the essayist and author of books such as" Prohibido mess with the calle "(1998)," The sap of l 'ira "(2008) and" La casa imposible "(2000). EFE

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