Human misery | EC Republic


Hernán Pérez Loose
Guayaquil, Ecuador

In a recent interview with a Spanish newspaper, the former dictator tried to explain his problems with Ecuadorian justice – which soon will soon become a problem of international justice – arguing that they are due to the president's bitterness inside him as a result of his personal tragedy, a bitterness that would blow against him once Moreno took power.

Moreover, he tried to give an academic nuance to his observation by saying that there are studies that confirm it, that Moreno is a "pathological" case and that he spoke to his lawyers . He clearly did not indicate what studies he was talking about, and the journalist who interviewed him, a fervent follower of Chavismo, did not ask, because that is the model of journalism that the ex-dictator acclaims

. they must be repudiated by the civilized conscience of the country, and not only by some political actors. Rarely in the history of nations there was a country that was ruled by a gang of criminals and at the same time was led by an individual who seems to be comfortable in dark drains immorality, a subject that has made the state, a kind of pigsty for the joy of the mafia gang that overwhelmed him.

Correa not only insults Moreno. Come to tell us that their problems with justice are due to an alleged bitterness of the president, and that this comes from his physical condition, is an affront to Ecuadorian society in general. Ecuador, even though the former dictator strives to bring up the opposite, is not a nation that reflects this kind of misery and baseness. The country has had the bad fortune, it is true, with many – not all – of its political leaders. It has been fertile ground for demagogues, selfish and unscrupulous. But none of them has reached the pinnacle of the former dictator in terms of moral infamy, intellectual mediocrity and corruption. Anyone who has any doubt or believes that this is an exaggeration should see the aforementioned interview, despite the nausea that can cause. It will be astonishing to see how someone manages to tell so many lies in such a short time and how he even intends to defile the memory of honorable deceased persons.

All this must call us to reflection. The former dictator, the group of corrupt people who defend him and the tragic experience of the grim decade we have had are, in a way, the expression of a deep crack that penetrates deeply into our society and says a lot about us too. Lack of commitment from elites – social, economic, academic, etc. – in public affairs, politics and the future of the country is something terrifying. It is enough to see the options that many of them chose during the Correísta dictatorship, their complicit silence, their illicit enrichment, their frivolity and their tolerance for corruption. The challenge facing the country is certainly huge and complex. (O)

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