Humberto Ortega, Daniel's brother, asks to advance the elections in Nicaragua


Daniel Ortega, brother of the President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega. Photo of the newspaper La Prensa

The retired General of the Army of Nicaragua Humberto Ortega today asked his brother, the Governor Daniel Ortega to advance the presidential elections to overcome the crisis socio-political situation in the country, which has made about 310 dead in two and a half months.

"All Nicaraguans want a peaceful solution to the tragic crisis we are suffering, and President Daniel Ortega, by constitutionally advancing the presidential elections next year, he says yes to peace," wrote the general to retreat to his brother in a public letter.

Presidential elections are scheduled for the end of 2021, however various sectors, the Nicaraguan Bishops' Conference Even the Organization of American States has asked the President to hold elections in March 2019 to resolve the crisis, and refused to answer. [19] 659004] According to the president's brother, with a new government, Nicaragua "will recover quickly reviving the small, medium and large economy, foreign investment and tourism."

At the beginning of the year The Central Bank of Nicaragua (NCB) calculated an economic growth of 4.5%, a forecast which rose to 1% last June, after two months and means of crisis .

Similarly, the retired general recommended to the protesters to lift the barricades, to allow the free movement, at the same time as he asked the president "to order immediately to dispose of all the power from the state and the government, to disable the para-police forces and any other illegal. "

In the letter, his brother reports the existence of" armed civilians, hooded policemen who shoot at and exercise controls that the law only authorizes the police or the military authorities ".

Despite their kinship, the Ortega brothers have not always had good relations, even though in recent times they have shown proper mutual respect.

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) have criticized the Ortega government for human rights violations .

These violations include "killings, extrajudicial executions". According to the IACHR, which was rejected by the Government of Nicaragua. most bloody socio-political crisis since the 1980s, when Humberto was the leader of the armed forces, also under the government or Daniel

The protests against Ortega and his wife, Rosario Murillo, began with failed social security reforms and have become a demand for the resignation of the president, after eleven years of power, with accusations of abuse and corruption against him. EFE

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