"I am happy that Pitana is leading us"


Source: Diario Olé

"I am happy that Pitana is leading us because we were lucky with him, we have been able to win," said Rakitic, recalling the meeting of the eighths of final in which the Argentine team, also composed of Hernán Maidana and Juan Pablo Belatti, refereed against Denmark

. "Overtime, he was a gentleman.He must also be in the most important part of his It is really important to have a very good referendum … I hope at the end to clap my hands and talk to me about the championship. "

In this game, Pitana had a great performance. In the extra, he gave a penalty to Croatia for lack of Jorgensen on Rebic. Modric missed it. Then, those of Dalic would go to the rooms in the definition of the 12 stages.

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